Krav Maga & Fitness

Back Seminar
with Steve Woolridge

June 13 (Sunday)
at 14:00

Class length
120 minutes

Krav Maga & Fitness Center 6242 Merriam Dr. Merriam KS 66203

I’ve seen this for 30 years. I’ve lived it. Nagging pain that doesn’t go away. Pain that feels like electric shock shooting down the back and/or back of the leg. Aching pain to where you can’t sleep, can’t get in and out of the car easily, can’t play with the kids, can’t work out, can’t do the things that you normally could and want to do. I went through this very same thing for many years until I decided to find a way to fix it myself. My journey took me through times of immense pain and frustration, finding things that worked for a while and then didn’t until I whittled down all the information I had accumulated to come up with a simple system of fixing it that actually worked. 

So why train with me?

Until I decided to open this up to the public the only people who I would work with were my students, their friends and family and people who were referred to me by doctors. Those who were referred to me by doctors were those who had tried everything and nothing had worked. So they would send them to me and I would help them. It got to the point where I would half jokingly tell them to just send them to me first. It would cut down on the time. I have some doctors who do that. In the seminar I’ll give a brief overview of why people have back problems and what to do about it.  

A few of the items we’ll cover are:

-How the body is designed to work
-Bone structure alignment
-How muscles work
-How to train properly
-Why you have injures
-How not to make it worse
-How & why body protects itself when injured
-How to recondition the back
-Dispelling "Fix It" myths

This is a 1 hour & 30 min seminar plus 30 min for Q&A 
We can discuss other injuries besides back in the Q&A

PRICE $47 (Normally $100 / hours with a 5-Hour Minimum) 


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